Completing the transmission completes this whole phase.
I did everything except the ignition wires. I'm trying to think up a good way to make spark plugs. The kit as-is has little brass eyelets that go in holes in the distributor and at the top of the engine. Wires go into those parts. I want ahead and installed the eyelets in the distributor, because they look good, but at the spark plug end it really needs something more realistic. |
This model raises a philosophical question. It is on the one hand a very detailed scale model of a real car. The large scale makes it practical to enhance its detail in countless ways, so as to make it more and more like the actual auto.
On the other hand, Pocher models are an interesting vintage artifact in their own right. Some people assemble there completely, in so much as is possible, as-is and out of the box, as the kits intend. And like being a model of the actual car, the result is also a "thing"; a Pocher car.
On the other hand, Pocher models are an interesting vintage artifact in their own right. Some people assemble there completely, in so much as is possible, as-is and out of the box, as the kits intend. And like being a model of the actual car, the result is also a "thing"; a Pocher car.
Personally, this one will look as much like the actual car as it can as a kit, with some enhancements. But I don't mind letting some of its construction, as a Pocher, show through too. I have not hidden its screws, or used much smaller screws (which I have piles of), hidden joints, or used more realistic fasteners over the 2mm nuts provided. I have not remade any plastic parts in metal either.
The steering gearbox is completed... I can now see that the scale of this car is going to be an issue for the spot I'm using as a workspace.
The gearbox is a good example of where the Pocher "instructions" that come with the kit are wildly misleading. After completing the engine and transmission, the diagrams show assembling the main chassis with the engine, but in the diagrams the steering gearbox, shown here on the side of the engine, is already in place. The diagrams covering assembly of the gearbox are a couple pages later along with assembling the firewall. But you can't wait that long. If you assemble the engine without the gearbox, with the main frame, the gearbox later won't fit and you have to take apart everything you just did. By the way, for those that prefer the blog format, you can also follow the Pocher construction here: |